Guide to Replacing Light Switches

Have you ever considered changing your light switch (e.g., Wipro North-West Switch) but were too scared to head to the store and buy the necessary tools? Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to do it.  

As the balance between work and home life grows thinner, sometimes it's just too hard not to face the work that needs to be done. Many people are taking on DIY jobs with online self-help information, whether cooking dinner or changing a significant appliance.  

Why spend money when you can fix everything yourself with expert guidance? 

You can even look up Wipro North-West Switches if you are looking to replace your switches & make your space look luxurious. 

If your light switches are old, grimy, don't flip quickly, or don't work at all, or if you wish to change their colour, you can do this on your own. Changing a light switch is easy if you ensure that the replacement switch is the same type as before. Let's get started! 

How to Replace a Switch? 

By the end of this article, you will know how easy it is to change a light switch for a new Wipro North West Switch after reading this guide.  

  • To replace the light switch, turn off the power to the circuit that runs it first.  

  • To re-use the screws and switch plate, unscrew the latter and store it and the screws in a plastic bag.  

  • Ensure the power is off before replacing the light switch. 

  • As soon as the power is off, unscrew the switch from the housing box. Pull the switch towards you to make reaching the wires easier. 

  • When wiring a 3-way switch, it is crucial to connect the wires exactly like before. When wiring a light switch, be smart and mark the wires going to the good side by writing 'left' and 'right' on pieces of masking tape and wrapping them around the wires. You would want to take advantage of this step. A single-pole switch has both hot wires, which doesn't matter which wire is on the left or right side. 

  • Using your fingers, remove the wires from the old switch by slackening its terminals on the sides. If your switch doesn't have wires attached to the terminals on the side, then the connections were probably made using a push-in terminal at the back. In this case, you can release the wires by opening the slots next to each hole with a screwdriver (or wire cutters). 

  • Replace the old switch with a new one with the same voltage and amperage ratings as the old one. 

  • Whenever you cut the wires to remove them from the old switch, use the wire stripper to remove the insulation. Leave a half-inch of bare wire exposed, or your connections will be compromised. 

  • Next, carefully bend each wire into a J-shaped loop at the end, which will hook around the terminals. Bend and connect only one ground wire (bare or with green insulation) to the green grounding terminal on the switch. The wire may need more than one trial, as it is less malleable than you think. Once in place, tighten it down by tightening the screw with a screwdriver. 

  • If you are wiring a single-pole switch, hook the remaining two wires around the terminals in any order (top or bottom does not matter). In the case of a 3-way switch wiring, attach the wires around the terminals following the masking tape notes. Use a screwdriver to tighten all connections. 

  • Install the light switch, ensure all the wires are connected and then push it into place. The wires are taut and cranky, so it is advisable to curve them back into the box. Make sure the switch is vertically aligned and tighten the screws that hold it to the chest. 

  • Use the voltage tester to touch the terminals behind the light switch once the power has been turned on at the main service panel. Turn off the main breaker and repeat your steps if the terminals don't receive power. If you can't figure out the problem, turn off the power and call an electrician. Otherwise, just put the switch plate on, and you're done. 


Now, doesn't replacing a light switch seem like a piece of cake? If you are looking for new switches, explore Wipro North-West switches to upgrade your interiors. 


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